Engineering Teaching Day 2024
The third annual Cornell Engineering Teaching Day (ETD’24) is presented by MTEI, the James McCormick Family Teaching Excellence Institute in the Cornell University College of Engineering.
August 14, 2024, 8:30 am – 4:30 pm
Upson Hall
This annual event celebrates the teaching mission of Cornell Engineering. Join us to share your passion for teaching, workshop ideas with fellow faculty, and —most importantly— improve the learning experience you offer to students in the coming year.
RSVP here. You are welcome to attend as many or as few sessions as you like.
Breakfast will be provided in the morning. Breakfast will include assorted pastries, coffee cakes, fruit, yogurt, coffee, and tea. Lunch will be provided at noon. Lunch will be assorted sandwiches, salad, chips, brownies, and blondies. Assorted ice cream from the Dairy Bar will be provided after sessions conclude (non-dairy options will be available). Chocolate chips cookies and water will be provided as snacks and beverages throughout the day.
For more information, contact
8:30 am – 9:00 am | Upson 206 | Continental breakfast available |
9:00 am – 9:50 am | Upson 206 | Working with TAs |
10:00 am – 10:50 am | Upson 222 | Incorporating Social and Ethical Issues in Technical Courses |
11:00 am – 11:50 am | Upson 206 | Inclusive Assessments: Strategies for Active Learning with Accommodations |
12:00 pm – 12:50 pm | Upson 116 (Lounge) | Joint luncheon with new engineering faculty |
1:00 pm – 1:50 pm | Upson 222 | Belonging-Centered Instruction: Convincing Students We’re on the Same Team |
2:00 pm – 3:20 pm | Upson 206 | Leveraging Generative AI in Your Courses |
3:30 pm – 4:30 pm | Upson 116 (Lounge) | Ice cream social |
Working with TAs
Celia Evans (ELI)
Wenjing Luo (ELI)
Shivaun Archer (BME and MTEI)
TAs can be a vital component of a successful course. Do you wonder whether your course is making the most effective use of the TAs’ value? Come to this workshop to learn about college TA training, expectations TAs have when they join course staff, and best practices to build an effective, engaged, collaborative teaching team.
Incorporating Social and Ethical Issues in Technical Courses
Trystan Goetze (Bovay Program in Engineering Ethics)
Are you considering including relevant ethics content in your courses but struggling with the implementation? This session will introduce several strategies for doing so, and highlight the kinds of support available from the Engineering Ethics Program.
Inclusive Assessments: Strategies for Active Learning with Accommodations
Alex Werth (BME)
Learn how Universal Design for Learning (UDL) can be used to create inclusive grading strategies that support student learning, accommodations, and growth. Join a discussion with colleagues to share successes, challenges, and best practices for implementing inclusive assessments in your Active Learning classrooms.
Belonging-Centered Instruction: Convincing Students We’re on the Same Team
Allison Godwin (CBE)
Hadas Ritz (MAE and MTEI)
Do faculty-student interactions sometimes feel adversarial in your courses? That can create unnecessary stress, and isn’t productive for students or faculty. This session introduces belonging-centered instruction techniques that address common challenges in interpersonal interactions and instructional design.
Leveraging Generative AI in Your Courses
Kyle Harms (IS and MTEI)
Are you wondering how you can help your students use generative AI in your courses? In this workshop, we’ll practice setting up a local generative AI installation and contextualize its output using your course materials. This includes an exploration of creating class activities and materials to encourage your students to interact with the course topics responsibly using the local generative AI. We’ll also discuss some of the risks, and limitations, of this approach. Specifically, we’ll briefly share some of the intellectual property and FERPA concerns with using popular generative AI tools, like ChatGPT, and how this approach might be a viable alternative in your courses. Please bring your computer for this session.