Teaching Tips
Introduction to Assigning Groups Learning to work with others and share ideas is a valuable workplace skill To practice this, engineering classes frequently assign group...
Looking for a quick way to gauge student understanding and engage them Try the "Muddiest Point" and "One-Minute Paper" techniques At the end of a class, ask students to write down...
Politely and calmly ask disrupters to stop Let them know they are disrupting the education of other students and potentially making other students feel unsafe Ask them to...
Are your students using their studying time most effectively Are you designing assignments to reinforce effective studying Learning includes three steps1: Encode information...
Are you concerned with how outside events might impact your classroom and students What can you say Should you say anything What are the rules for students inside of class Might...
What are students thinking about your course so far Are all the basic logistics working Do they know what they should be learning How is the work-load and level Do they...
Grading homework serves multiple purposes: Accountability - rewards timely practice of course material Feedback – provides information on where work needs improvement...
Last spring attendance in classes often slipped well below what it used to be, even for excellent teachers Take advantage of this window early in the semester while most...
Final exams not only directly test students’ content knowledge and skills, they also motivate students to spend time and thought studying the course material and synthesizing...
We have just over one week left of classes this semester! This is a great time to take stock of what you want to accomplish in the course before it ends Consider these ideas to...
Could playing a game improve learning in engineering There’s good reason to think it could We know that many new engineering graduates initially struggle to apply their...
Now that we're well into the semester, many of your students are probably finding the course content less familiar and more challenging They may be reaching out for help or...