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Cornell University

Course Evaluations

Looking for information about course evaluations, such as the opening and closing dates, the place where students should go to fill out the evaluation, and how to get your course’s participation list? Follow one of these links: mid-semester (course) feedback surveys, final course evaluations, and midterm TA evaluations. Or, for a different kind of evaluation, would you like to schedule a classroom observation by MTEI?

Mid-semester Feedback Surveys

These surveys (aka midterm course evaluations) are conducted by MTEI. The primary purpose is formative feedback to faculty on how to make improvements in the course while the semester is in progress.

Survey form: Our standard survey form is applicable to most lecture-type STEM classes. We can also prepare a customized survey form to address your course’s needs. Below are links to demos of the standard form and three regularly-used customizations. Feel free to play around with these as much as you want. You can experience them as students would, and get a sense of what kinds of customization are possible.

If your students ask “where do I go to submit this”: they need to check their email, including spam folder. It’s a unique, personalized Qualtrics link for each student, so there is no generic URL which you can send them to. If they can’t find it, tell them to follow CIT’s spam search instructions. The subject line of the email is : “[Department] Mid-Semester Feedback Survey for Specific Course”. The email address the survey link comes from is “<Associate Dean Alan Zehnder>”. If they still can’t find it, tell them to email Orlay Santa (ods8).

To get a list of which students responded for your course: email Orlay Santa (ods8).

Spring 2025 dates:

(Dates below are pending approval by the department. Surveys sometimes are left open a couple of extra days to increase response rates.)

DepartmentLaunch DateTentative Close Date
BEE2/27/2025 courses included by request3/10/2025
EAS2/28/2025 courses included by request3/11/2025
INFO2/28/2025 courses included by request3/11/2025

Responding to mid-semester feedback:

  1. Read the report. Here is an explanation of the color-coding and response breakouts in the reports.
  2. Try not to take complaints too personally. Think in terms of the course. Feel free to claim compliments personally.
  3. Look for concerns that come from multiple students. Look for any diversity and inclusion concerns, even if from just one student.
  4. Divide concerns according to:
    • What can realistically be addressed this semester — for example, clarifying a topic, posting missing information, or returning graded work more promptly. Pick one to three such concerns to focus on this semester.
    • What is worth noting for the next time you teach the class but cannot be addressed this semester — for example, timing of an early assignment, syllabus, or course structure.
    • What likely cannot be addressed by you — for example, University policy, time course is taught, or credit hours.
    • Contact us if you would like help sorting or creating an action item.
  5. Report back to your class:
    • Thank them for providing feedback.
    • Note a change or two you plan to make.
    • If relevant, note something that is good to know for future classes, but that can’t be addressed mid-semester.
    • If relevant, agree something is annoying, but beyond your control.
  6. Focus on the change(s) you decided to make and don’t stress over the other issues this semester.

Final Course Evaluations

These evaluations are conducted by the Engineering College.

If your students ask “where do I go to submit this”: Direct them to the university Course Eval site.

To get a list of which students responded for your course: go to the Engineering Course Eval site and select “View your response list”.

Midterm TA Evaluations

These evaluations are conducted by Engineering Learning Initiatives (ELI). The primary purpose is formative feedback to TAs and faculty on how to make improvements while the semester is in progress.

If TAs are missing from your course: You can add them to the database yourself, or contact your department’s course coordinator, or email

If your students ask “where do I go to submit this”: Direct them to the Engineering TA Eval site.

To get a list of which students responded for your course: email

Student Participation Lists for Evaluations

Follow one of these links to find out how to get the list of students who submitted evaluations: mid-semester (course) feedback surveys, final course evaluations, and midterm TA evaluations. You can use this information to incentivize participation, perhaps by offering a point in the final grade.

Classroom Observations

Consider contacting MTEI to schedule a classroom observation by one of our expert teachers. That kind of peer feedback will complement the course evaluations submitted by students. We can suggest ideas that might not occur to students, review course materials with an experienced eye, and troubleshoot any issues you might be encountering.

MTEI also provides a classroom observation form, which can be used to conduct peer evaluations of teaching.